Thursday, November 10, 2011

Guided Debate on Gender Parity

Group Components Self-evaluation Evaluation-Coordianator
Name....................................................................... individual report …............................
                                                                                            individual interaction.........................
Name........................................................... …..................
Name........................................................... ….................. Group mark …..............................
Name.......................................................... …..................
Name.......................................................... …..................

A. POSITIONING PHASE. Write down the names of the components of your group and pick up a moderator. Choose among these statements, change whatever you need or use the blank lines to include your own opinion. Point out your mates's position and define whether you all share the same stand or there are different opposing teams; if possible, in one single round of words.
….......................................................................................................... (10 minutes).

  • It is better to acquire a good education and job before compromising with anybody, that way, I could pick up a partner without prejudices. After all, lust wears down and only affection and affinity with yours remain.
  • Better getting a wealthy partner who supports me. After all, lust wears down and only material things remain -”Diamonds are a girl's best friend” like the song goes.

  • Sex is necessary for pleasure, affection, reproduction and spiritual progress.

  • Sex is only to be practiced in marriage.

  • Men and women should have the same rights; and perceive the same salary for the same job.

  • The state should aid maternity and paternity as it is done in nordic and central-european countries.

  • Women have been motors of technical and social evolution of humanity in the past.

  • Women's share in the course of history, politics and science has been obviously forgotten.
  • Women's share in the course of history, politics and science has been obviously secondary.

  • Women enbody evil and temptation just like the Genesis describes it which confirms their role submitted to men.

B. DISCUSSION PHASE. Give reasons from articles, statistics or personal experiences to justify your opinion. Mention the group components you agree with and defend yourself/yourselves of the oposed views in about three rounds of words. If you are asked to clear up any point, do so. Otherwise, write down your reply and wait your turn without monopolizing the conversation or talking in circles. Summarize everybody's stands and jot them down.
….................................................................................. (20 minutes).

  • Women have had an extremely important historical protagonism that has not been socially recognized from the Agricultural Revolution of Neolithic to their capacity of physical work during the World Wars.

  • Despite women progressively joining the work market in fields like education, health, public administration, politics, etc... publicity keeps abusing of her image for her sexual appeal.

  • Women have been motors of social revolutions like in the first Christian communities -and Catars afterwards- during the French Revolution and the Unions movement that have been silenced.

  • History is written by winners.

  • Madame Curie has been the only person to win two Nobel Prizes.

  • The Patriarchal monotheism -Judaism, Christianims and Islam- have been responsable for limiting women's roles in social and public life.

  • Women's reproductive function confirms their role as housewives.

  • This aspect and their work absentism justify their lesser earnings for the same job.

  • Unemployment would finish if women worked at home.

  • Men and women have been equally victims of the same oligarchic political and economic system.

C. CONCLUSIONS PHASE. By turns and briefly, define what is your stand at the end of the debate, whether the same or different regarding the beginning and the reasons to keep or change your mind. Summarize as well your mates's conclusions....................... (15 minutes).

  • We all share the same point of view.
  • There are different opinions in our group.
  • Mostly, we thinkg that ..............................................................................................................

  • There are two groups;
 1st view ...................................................................................................................................
2nd view....................................................................................................................................

  • We have all kept our opinion,

  • Some people have changed their minds by the end of the debate,

  • If Eva's original sin meant women's submission to men, the acknowledgement of the sacred character of human sexuality could bring about the redemption of humanity as well as the overcoming of our crisis of ideologies and markets.

  • The treatment of women -maternity, paternity and education- is the key for a real social justice for women and men alike.

Eisler (1987) The Chalice and the Blade. Our History; Our Future. New York: Harper Collins.
Anderson-Zirsser (2009) Historia de las mujeres. Barcelona: Editorial Crítica.

Unconscious Dynamics of Gender Parity -Slides' transcript.
[2] [3]
They say women are such chatter-boxes,
three times more than men, to be precise.
No wonder some authors attribute to women a higher protagonism in the creation of Language as a result of interacting with their off-springs,
which implies higher conceptual and abstract thinking capabilities than their mates,
[6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
In fact, who do we attribute agriculture? Who usually cooks, sews, educates, heals..?
[14] [15]
It is common knowledge that girls madure and enter puberty before boys do;
and this pattern could be applied to human evolution as a whole;
[16] [17] [18] [19]
which suggests a well-defined role division for each gender,
with men more especialized in defending the clan,
just like other primates show – gorillas for example.
Archaelogical remains and mythological accounts seem to confirm a long period of time
with a certain sexual parity in social structures,
[20] [21] [22][23]
the paintings of hands and vaginas, thousands of venus found all over the world,
the femenine or dualistic character of megalithic constructions,
[24] [25]
Finally, these less sexist agricultural communities were conquered by bands of cattle breeders, refugees, dispossessed and mercenaries with patriarchal structures and their martial revengeful god,
[26] [27]
the Herew tribes described in the Bible could be an example, like Arians, Hitittes, Vandals...
spreading an ideology and morality that has reached our days,
[28] [29] [30] [31]
Eve and Pandora may have been accused of causing all our disgraces...
...but in the last 3000 years, men have proved to be as secretive, mean and cruel
as the stererotyped witches or harpies,
[32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38]
Women are recently asking for equality of rights; but in a historical perspective that could go back in time thousands of years, it looks more like men striving to show the same abstract thinking skills -with which women were first endowedwith
accomplishments like the Industrial Revolution, the arms race or the space program.
[39] [40] [41]
And however paradoxical it might seems, this one could be the unconscious dynamics of
sexual inequality in so many cultures and times:
proving gender parity.
[42] [43]
Today, obviously gender does not determine skills or attitudes,
we all, men and women, can almost do any thing,
[44] [45] [46] [47] [48] [49] [50] [51]
we have completed a cycle that started thousands of years ago,
where are we going now?

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